I have often been advised to "not be so hard on myself."
However, it was not until recently that someone gently cautioned me to "Be gentle with yourself." Wow! What a different message, even though I think the senders had the same intent. This message sounds kind and supportive and lets me know that I am worthy. The other sounds harsh and critical, like I'm doing something wrong. One feels like someone cares; the other, not so much...
And since the first time I received this message to "Be gentle with yourself. The world hasn't changed," I have received it over and over from various sources. So, I decided to pay attention to it, to explore its meaning, and maybe to make it my theme for the rest of the year. For this has been a time of great personal growth, of new insights and awarenesses, of new ideas and new friendships. Being gentle with myself through life's shifts and transitions is very important.
So, what does it mean to "be gentle with myself?
It means to nurture and support and encourage myself the way that I do others.
To forgive myself when I show up or react in a way that I wish I hadn't.
It means to celebrate my awareness and the opportunity to choose differently rather than operating unconsciously by my old patterns.
Forgiveness and love are key; understanding, compassion, and patience...
Honoring my body and spirit and trusting that I know what I need for myself more than anyone else and giving myself permission to take the time and the space I need to take care of myself.
Remembering that it's not all about me and that often what others do or don't do has nothing to do with me at all or at least certainly has more to do with their own life circumstances and experiences than with me.
Accepting myself for both the qualities I love and admire and those that I sometimes wish I didn't have.
Recognizing that in each moment I am doing the best that I can with what I have.
Not expecting perfection and allowing mistakes to occur and to be the learning opportunities that they are.
Remembering to breathe and to take a pause every now and then.
Allowing others to take care of and nurture me and not think that I have to be so strong all the time.
Being ok with tears, anger, jealousy, and the other expressions of discontent that sometimes come through.
Remembering that there is a reason I do what I do and gently guiding myself to an alternative when an old pattern kicks in.
Reaching out for help and support when I need it.
Resting. Smiling. Laughing.
Making time for friendships and family.
Being present and allowing what IS to be.
Quieting my mind!
Allowing the questions and trusting the answers.
Doing what I can for others, but not expecting to be a super hero.
Not expecting more of myself than I do of others.
Aaaahhhhh... I feel myself sliding into a more peaceful place already!